Hey what's up guys, Thanks for checking out my blog

An easy and simple way to do nail art and designs. I hope you guys like them, if you guys have any suggestions for me or questions feel free to contact me at naildesigns@mail.com Thanks! Kay

Monday, February 7, 2011

Laced Nail Polish

Step 1: Apply a base coat. Black works well.

Step 2: Paint a white strip down the middle.

Step 3: Apply two dots on each side of the white strip

Step 4: Draw 2 diagonal lines from the white dots like laces.

Step 5: Apply your top coat and you're done, Love Kay!

Spider Web Nails

Step 1: Apply the base color or colors

Step 2: At the base of the nail start painting lines, one line in the middle, then two more on each side of the line

Step 3: Begin connecting all of the lines horizontally. 

Step 4: apply a clear coat. Kay!

Snow Nails

 Step 1: Apply A blue base coat.

Step 2: Paint the tip of the nail white.

Step 3: Paint some white dots over the blue.

Step 4: A clear top coat.

Have a nice day ladies, Kay!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Question Mark ? Nail Style

Step 1: Apply Base Coat Color.

Step 2: Start doing half a circle for the top of the question mark then at the bottom of it put a little stick at the bottom of it in the shape of the question mark.

Step 3: Finish by putting the dots at the bottom of the ? mark.

Step 4: Apply your base coat and you're good to go ladies.

Have a good one, Kay!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pointed White Tip Design

Step 1: Apply a base color that you like.

Step 2: Start painting a white tip in the shape of an arrow.

Step 3: Then leave a little space then apply a thin line in the shape of an arrow.

Step 4: Apply your top coat and that's it ladies. Kay!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Flower Nail Design

Step 1: Apply a base coat of whatever color you like.

Step 2: Start putting on lines for the pedals of the flowers. Start by doing an X then through the X top two bottom draw a line through the X.

Step 3: In the middle of the pedals put a dot in the middle of it. Last thing to do put on a top coat. That's it. Kay!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pink Heart Nail Design

 Step 1: Apply base color, pink works well.

Step 2: Start Applying 2 dots beside each other for the top of the hearts.

Step 3: From the 2 dots paint two lines that connect at the bottom into a point.

Step 4: Fill in the middle with the rest of the color.

Step 5: Like always Apply a clear coat. Kay!

4 Leaf Clover Design

Step 1: Apply a green base color.

Step 2: Start painting on four dots.
Step 3: Then Start then put a dot in the middle of the four dots to connect them.

Step 4: at the bottom of the 4 dots paint a stem on the nail.

Step 5: Apply a clear coat like always to prevent chipping.